Enhancing Alfalfa's Winter Resilience: A NumericAg Model Approach Integrating Local Environment and Management Factors
Saifuzzaman, M., Adamchuk, V., and Leduc, M.
Precision Agriculture - Springer., 2024 (In review)
Alfalfa (grass mixed) Detection and Stem Count from Proximal Images using a Combination of Deep Neural Networks and Machine Learning
Bahrami, H., Chokmani, K., Adamchuk, V., Leduc, M., Saifuzzaman, M.
Agronomy Journal., 2024 (In review)
Remote Sensing and Proximal Soil Sensor-Fusion by Machine Learning Methods for Thematic Soil Mapping
Saifuzzaman, M., Adamchuk, V., Biswas, A., and Park, J.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Remote Sensing., 2023 (In review)
Land Cover Dynamics Using Landsat Data in the Ganges Delta Region from 1973 to 2014
Saifuzzaman, M., Danby, R., vanLoon, G., and Mondal, K.
Science of the Total Environment - Elsevier., 2023 (In review)
Prediction of Spatial Distribution of Organic Carbon in Lower Brahmaputra Active Floodplain Soils of Bangladesh
Kamrunahar, Alam M.S., and Saifuzzaman M.
Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences., 2022
High-density Proximal Soil Sensing Data and Topographic Derivatives to Characterise Field Variability
Saifuzzaman, M., Adamchuk, V., Biswas, A., and Rabe, N.
Biosystems Engineering - Elsevier, 211: 19-34., 2021
Application of Environmental Remote Sensing for Updating Geo-Archaeological Records
Rahman M., Saifuzzaman M., and Shamsuddin S.D.
Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Research, 11: 94-110., 2020
Clustering Tools for Integration of Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and Proximal Soil Sensing Data
Saifuzzaman, M., Adamchuk, V., Buelvas, R., Biswas, A., Prasher, S., Rabe, N., Aspinall, D., and Ji, W.
Remote Sensing – Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 11(9), 1036: 1-17., 2019
Sustainability of Agricultural Systems in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh
Talukder, B., Saifuzzaman, M., and VanLoon, G.W.
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems – Cambridge University Press, 31(2): 148-165., 2016
Use of Remote Sensing and GIS in Selected Archaeological Site Studies in Bangladesh
Saifuzzaman M., Hoque T.H. and Shamsuddin S. D.
Journal of the Department of Archaeology, 18: 1-8., 2012
Effectiveness of WV2 High Resolution Satellite Imagery (HRSI) For Identification of Land and Water Features in an Archaeological Site in Bangladesh
Saifuzzaman M., Alam M S and Shamsuddin S. D.
The Jahangirnagar Review, 22: 275-287., 2011
Environmental Changes in the Southwestern Coastal Areas of Bangladesh: A River Basin Approach
Saifuzzaman M., and Alam M. S.
Khulna University Studies, 1: 1-7., 2010
Urban Environmental Change: A Case Studies on Eastern Dhaka City Wetlands Transformation from 1963-2009
Hossain S., Saifuzzaman M., and Alam M. S.
Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) Journal, 31(2): 167-189., 2009
Remote Sensing and GIS Application for Assessing Coastal Geomorphological Changes: A river basin approach
Saifuzzaman M., Alam M. S. and Rashid M. S.
Int. Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 35(III): 826-828., 2004
River Erosion Monitoring, Analysis and Prediction using Radarsat-1 Satellite Images
Saifuzzaman M.
Journal of Geography, 22: 97-105., 2003
Social and Environmental effects of Shrimp cultivation in the coastal areas of Bangladesh: Notes on study methods.
Haque M Z and Saifuzzaman M.
The University Press Ltd., p.361-382. , 2002
Change Detection in the Shrimp farm under Semi saline Coastal Areas of Bangladesh: a RS and GIS Integrated Approach
Saifuzzaman M., Alam M. S. and Islam A. Z. M.
Oriental Geographer, 46(1): 19-36., 2002
Changes in Physical Landscape of the Southwestern Coastal Bangladesh: A River Basin Approach
Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA) Int. conference on ‘Geography and Environment: Challenges in 21st Century’, Jan 4-5, Bangladesh, 2013